(70 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
| Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier |
| | Width: 247 mm (millimeter) |
| Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier |
| | Width: 240 mm (millimeter) |
| Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier |
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Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier | |
| Width: 247 mm (millimeter) | |
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier | |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Text-page / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Page layout: Columns / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Script style: Round gothic / qualifier |
| | Note: con rasgos cursivos |
| Property / Secondary literature: Alvar et al. (2002), Diccionario filológico de literatura medieval española. Textos y transmisión / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Leaf / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation |
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| Property / Segmentation: Column / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Column / qualifier |
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| Property / Segmentation: Column / qualifier |
| | Width: 84 mm (millimeter) |
| Property / Segmentation: Column / qualifier |
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| Property / Segmentation: Column / qualifier |
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| Property / Segmentation |
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| Property / Segmentation: Column / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Column / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Column / qualifier |
| | Width: 87 mm (millimeter) |
| Property / Segmentation: Column / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Column / qualifier |
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| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Column break / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Column break / qualifier |
| | Width: 12 mm (millimeter) |
| Property / Segmentation: Column break / qualifier |
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| Property / Segmentation: Column break / qualifier |
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| Property / Segmentation |
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| Property / Segmentation: Binding / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Binding / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Binding / qualifier |
| | Width: 253 mm (millimeter) |
| Property / Segmentation: Binding / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2000-), Catálogo Bibliográfico BNE [OPAC] / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2000-), Catálogo Bibliográfico BNE [OPAC] / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2000-), Catálogo Bibliográfico BNE [OPAC] / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Fradejas Rueda (1991), Bibliotheca cinegetica hispanica: Bibliografía crítica de los libros de cetrería y montería hispano-portugueses anteriores a 1799 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Fradejas Rueda (1991), Bibliotheca cinegetica hispanica: Bibliografía crítica de los libros de cetrería y montería hispano-portugueses anteriores a 1799 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Fradejas Rueda (1991), Bibliotheca cinegetica hispanica: Bibliografía crítica de los libros de cetrería y montería hispano-portugueses anteriores a 1799 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Fradejas Rueda (1991), Bibliotheca cinegetica hispanica: Bibliografía crítica de los libros de cetrería y montería hispano-portugueses anteriores a 1799 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Seniff (1988), “‘Munchos libros buenos.’ The New MSS of Alfonso XI’s Libro de la montería and Moamyn/Alfonso X’s Libro de las animalias que caçan”, Studia Neophilologica / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Seniff (1988), “‘Munchos libros buenos.’ The New MSS of Alfonso XI’s Libro de la montería and Moamyn/Alfonso X’s Libro de las animalias que caçan”, Studia Neophilologica / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Faulhaber (2012), Inspección personal / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Faulhaber (2012), Inspección personal / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / FRBR entity class |
| | |
| Property / FRBR entity class: WEMI Manifestation / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Type of event |
| | |
| Property / Type of event: Manuscript / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier |
| | Begin date: 1391Timestamp | +1391-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier |
| | Begin date: 1301Timestamp | +1301-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier |
| | End date: 1410Timestamp | +1410-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier |
| | End date: 1400Timestamp | +1400-00-00T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Julian |
Precision | 1 year |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component: running heads / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Visual work component: running heads / qualifier |
| | Note: centrados: t{I}ie{/I}rra de leon |
| Property / Visual work component: running heads / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component: running heads / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Visual work component: running heads / qualifier |
| | Note: centrados: t{I}ie{/I}rra de asturias |
| Property / Visual work component: running heads / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component: running heads / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Visual work component: running heads / qualifier |
| | Note: centrados: t{I}ie{/I}rra de galjzja |
| Property / Visual work component: running heads / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component: running heads / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Visual work component: running heads / qualifier |
| | Note: centrados: t{I}ie{/I}rra del bierzo |
| Property / Visual work component: running heads / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Inventory position |
| | MSS/21536 |
| Property / Inventory position: MSS/21536 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Writing surface |
| | |
| Property / Writing surface: Parchment / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Physical description [literal] |
| | [13: sin foliar] + 1 (guarda de papel9 |
| Property / Physical description [literal]: [13: sin foliar] + 1 (guarda de papel9 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Physical description [literal]: [13: sin foliar] + 1 (guarda de papel9 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Physical description [literal]: [13: sin foliar] + 1 (guarda de papel9 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Watermark |
| | |
| Property / Watermark: Cross / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Watermark: Cross / qualifier |
| | Note: inscrita dentro de óvalo, letra ¿“L´´? debajo del óvalo |
| Property / Watermark: Cross / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Watermark: Cross / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Provenance |
| | |
| Property / Provenance: Palau de Perelada / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Old inventory position |
| | 21536 |
| Property / Old inventory position: 21536 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Old inventory position |
| | Prov.10 |
| Property / Old inventory position: Prov.10 / rank |
| | Normal rank |