(79 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
| Property / Collation: a-d{SS}8{ES} / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Page layout |
| | |
| Property / Page layout: Lines / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Page layout: Lines / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Page layout: Lines / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Typeface |
| | |
| Property / Typeface: Gothic font / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Typeface: Gothic font / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component: border / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Visual work component: border / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component: border / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component: border / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component: woodcut / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Visual work component: woodcut / qualifier |
| | Note: de un rey sentado en su trono, portando el cetro en la mano derecha; a sus pies, de rodillas, una dama coronada con las manos juntas |
| Property / Visual work component: woodcut / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component: woodcut / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component: initials / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Visual work component: initials / qualifier |
| | Note: xilográficas de 5 ll. historiadas |
| Property / Visual work component: initials / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component |
| | |
| Property / Visual work component: initials / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Visual work component: initials / qualifier |
| | Note: de 2 y 4 ll. sin historiar |
| Property / Visual work component: initials / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Wien. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek [ÖNB] (2007-), Kataloge [OPAC] / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Wien. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek [ÖNB] (2007-), Kataloge [OPAC] / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Wien. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek [ÖNB] (2007-), Kataloge [OPAC] / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Wien. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek [ÖNB] (2007-), Digitale Bibliothek & Kataloge / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Wien. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek [ÖNB] (2007-), Digitale Bibliothek & Kataloge / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Wien. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek [ÖNB] (2007-), Digitale Bibliothek & Kataloge / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Grupo Clarisel et al. (2012-), Catálogo de obras medievales impresas en castellano hasta 1600 (COMEDIC) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Grupo Clarisel et al. (2012-), Catálogo de obras medievales impresas en castellano hasta 1600 (COMEDIC) / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Grupo Clarisel et al. (2012-), Catálogo de obras medievales impresas en castellano hasta 1600 (COMEDIC) / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Griffin (1988), The Crombergers of Seville. The History of a Printing and Merchant Dynasty / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Griffin (1988), The Crombergers of Seville. The History of a Printing and Merchant Dynasty / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Griffin (1988), The Crombergers of Seville. The History of a Printing and Merchant Dynasty / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Griffin (1988), The Crombergers of Seville. The History of a Printing and Merchant Dynasty / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Fradejas Rueda (2002), Historia de Enrique, fi de Oliva / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Fradejas Rueda (2002), Historia de Enrique, fi de Oliva / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Fradejas Rueda (2002), Historia de Enrique, fi de Oliva / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Palau y Dulcet (1948-77), Manual del librero hispano-americano / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Palau y Dulcet (1948-77), Manual del librero hispano-americano / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Palau y Dulcet (1948-77), Manual del librero hispano-americano / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Gallardo et al. (1863-89), Ensayo de una biblioteca española de libros raros y curiosos / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Gallardo et al. (1863-89), Ensayo de una biblioteca española de libros raros y curiosos / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Gallardo et al. (1863-89), Ensayo de una biblioteca española de libros raros y curiosos / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Gallardo et al. (1863-89), Ensayo de una biblioteca española de libros raros y curiosos / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Gallardo et al. (1863-89), Ensayo de una biblioteca española de libros raros y curiosos / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Escudero y Perosso (1894), Tipografía hispalense. Anales bibliográficos de la ciudad de Sevilla desde el establecimiento de la imprenta hasta fines del siglo XVIII / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Escudero y Perosso (1894), Tipografía hispalense. Anales bibliográficos de la ciudad de Sevilla desde el establecimiento de la imprenta hasta fines del siglo XVIII / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Escudero y Perosso (1894), Tipografía hispalense. Anales bibliográficos de la ciudad de Sevilla desde el establecimiento de la imprenta hasta fines del siglo XVIII / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Antonio et al. (1788), Bibliotheca hispana nova, sive,Hispanorum scriptorum qui ab anno MD. ad MDCLXXXIV. floruere notitia / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Antonio et al. (1788), Bibliotheca hispana nova, sive,Hispanorum scriptorum qui ab anno MD. ad MDCLXXXIV. floruere notitia / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Antonio et al. (1788), Bibliotheca hispana nova, sive,Hispanorum scriptorum qui ab anno MD. ad MDCLXXXIV. floruere notitia / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Antonio et al. (1788), Bibliotheca hispana nova, sive,Hispanorum scriptorum qui ab anno MD. ad MDCLXXXIV. floruere notitia / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Castillejo Benavente et al. (2019), La imprenta en Sevilla en el siglo XVI (1521-1600) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Castillejo Benavente et al. (2019), La imprenta en Sevilla en el siglo XVI (1521-1600) / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Castillejo Benavente et al. (2019), La imprenta en Sevilla en el siglo XVI (1521-1600) / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Domínguez Guzmán (1975), El libro sevillano durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Domínguez Guzmán (1975), El libro sevillano durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Wilkinson (2018-), Iberian Books / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Wilkinson (2018-), Iberian Books / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Wilkinson (2018-), Iberian Books / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Subject heading |
| | |
| Property / Subject heading: Q43199 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / FRBR entity class |
| | |
| Property / FRBR entity class: WEMI Manifestation / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / FRBR entity class |
| | |
| Property / FRBR entity class: Individual copy of a publication (WEMI Item) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Online catalogue |
| | |
| Property / Online catalogue: http://data.onb.ac.at/rep/103E3835 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Online catalogue: http://data.onb.ac.at/rep/103E3835 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Online catalogue: http://data.onb.ac.at/rep/103E3835 / qualifier |
| | Date of finding: 26 December 2023Timestamp | +2023-12-26T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / Online catalogue |
| | |
| Property / Online catalogue: https://comedic.unizar.es/index/read/id/2 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Online catalogue: https://comedic.unizar.es/index/read/id/2 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Online catalogue: https://comedic.unizar.es/index/read/id/2 / qualifier |
| | Date of finding: 26 December 2023Timestamp | +2023-12-26T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / Online catalogue |
| | |
| Property / Online catalogue: http://n2t.net/ark:/87925/drs1.iberian.12819 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Online catalogue: http://n2t.net/ark:/87925/drs1.iberian.12819 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Online catalogue: http://n2t.net/ark:/87925/drs1.iberian.12819 / qualifier |
| | Date of finding: 27 December 2023Timestamp | +2023-12-27T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / Dataset status |
| | |
| Property / Dataset status: PhiloBiblon record created / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Dataset status: PhiloBiblon record created / qualifier |
| | Date: 26 April 2016Timestamp | +2016-04-26T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / Online information |
| | |
| Property / Online information: http://digital.onb.ac.at/OnbViewer/viewer.faces?doc=ABO_%2BZ156263304 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Online information: http://digital.onb.ac.at/OnbViewer/viewer.faces?doc=ABO_%2BZ156263304 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Online information: http://digital.onb.ac.at/OnbViewer/viewer.faces?doc=ABO_%2BZ156263304 / qualifier |
| | Date of finding: 26 December 2023Timestamp | +2023-12-26T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |