(61 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
| Property / Instance of |
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| Property / Instance of: Textual witness / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Work context |
| | |
| Property / Work context: Francisco López de Villalobos, Sumario de la medicina, escrito 1498 ad quem / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Part of |
| | |
| Property / Part of: Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), INC/1350. Salamanca: Juan de Porras, para Antonio de Barreda, 1498. Francisco López de Villalobos, Sumario de la medicina, escrito 1498 ad quem. / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Part of: Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), INC/1350. Salamanca: Juan de Porras, para Antonio de Barreda, 1498. Francisco López de Villalobos, Sumario de la medicina, escrito 1498 ad quem. / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Part of: Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), INC/1350. Salamanca: Juan de Porras, para Antonio de Barreda, 1498. Francisco López de Villalobos, Sumario de la medicina, escrito 1498 ad quem. / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Part of: Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), INC/1350. Salamanca: Juan de Porras, para Antonio de Barreda, 1498. Francisco López de Villalobos, Sumario de la medicina, escrito 1498 ad quem. / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Part of: Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), INC/1350. Salamanca: Juan de Porras, para Antonio de Barreda, 1498. Francisco López de Villalobos, Sumario de la medicina, escrito 1498 ad quem. / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Title page transcript |
| | El sumario dela medecina. | con vn tratado sobrelas pe|stiferas buuas. |
| Property / Title page transcript: El sumario dela medecina. | con vn tratado sobrelas pe|stiferas buuas. / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Title page transcript: El sumario dela medecina. | con vn tratado sobrelas pe|stiferas buuas. / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Title page transcript: El sumario dela medecina. | con vn tratado sobrelas pe|stiferas buuas. / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Title page transcript: El sumario dela medecina. | con vn tratado sobrelas pe|stiferas buuas. / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Title page transcript |
| | El Sumario de la medicina en romançe |
| Property / Title page transcript: El Sumario de la medicina en romançe / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Title page transcript: El Sumario de la medicina en romançe / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Title page transcript: El Sumario de la medicina en romançe / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Title page transcript: El Sumario de la medicina en romançe / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Proem / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Proem / qualifier |
| | Incipit: C{SS}10{ES}Onsideranti inquam mihi plura |
| Property / Segmentation: Proem / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Proem / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Proem / qualifier |
| | Excipit: ⁊ hoc | fauoꝛe opusculum finem attingat. |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
| | Incipit: El Sumario de la medicina en romançe trouado por el licenciado | de Uillalobos estudiante enel estudio de Salamãca.hecho a cõtemplacion del muy magnifi|co y ylustre señor el marques de Astorga segundo al qual dize. |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
| | Incipit: Fenesce el Sumario dela medecina hecho | poꝛ el licẽciado frãcisco lopez ᵭ villalobos emẽ|dado y coꝛregido poꝛ el mismo |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
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| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
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| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
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| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Dedication / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Dedication / qualifier |
| | Incipit: Mu ymagnifico y ylustre señoꝛ mucha gana tenia.vr̃a ylustre señoria q̃ yo sacasse |
| Property / Segmentation: Dedication / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Dedication / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Dedication / qualifier |
| | Excipit: al | qual plega de cõserua r y prosperar el muy magnifico estado de.v.y.s.con luẽga vida poꝛ lar|gos tiempos. |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Main text / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Main text / qualifier |
| | Incipit: Con mucha instancia el marq̃s mi señoꝛ | aquel tan ylustre y real cauallero |
| Property / Segmentation: Main text / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Main text / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Main text / qualifier |
| | Excipit: que alos ponçoñosos hara resistencia | y alas falsas lenguas hara enmudescer |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Colophon / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Colophon / qualifier |
| | Incipit: Jmprimjdo en | la cibdad de Salamãca a sus expẽsas de An|tonio de barreda librero. Año del nascimiento | de nuestro saluadoꝛ de mill.cccc.xc.⁊.viij. |
| Property / Segmentation: Colophon / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: López de Villalobos et al. (1987), The Text and Concordance of the Sumario de la medicina, I-1169, Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: López de Villalobos et al. (1987), The Text and Concordance of the Sumario de la medicina, I-1169, Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: López de Villalobos et al. (1987), machine-readable text CNUM 1341: Francisco López de Villalobos. Sumario de la medicina. Salamanca, 1498. BNM I 1333 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: López de Villalobos et al. (1987), machine-readable text CNUM 1341: Francisco López de Villalobos. Sumario de la medicina. Salamanca, 1498. BNM I 1333 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: López de Villalobos et al. (1992), ADMYTE1 machine-readable text CNUM 1341: Francisco López de Villalobos. Sumario de la medicina. Salamanca, 1498. BNM I 1350 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: López de Villalobos et al. (1992), ADMYTE1 machine-readable text CNUM 1341: Francisco López de Villalobos. Sumario de la medicina. Salamanca, 1498. BNM I 1350 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: López de Villalobos et al. (1992), machine-readable text CNUM 1341: Francisco López de Villalobos. Sumario de la medicina. Salamanca, 1498. BNM I 1350 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: López de Villalobos et al. (1992), machine-readable text CNUM 1341: Francisco López de Villalobos. Sumario de la medicina. Salamanca, 1498. BNM I 1350 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Gago Jover et al. (2012), Spanish Medical Texts / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Gago Jover et al. (2012), Spanish Medical Texts / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Gago Jover et al. (2012), Spanish Medical Texts / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Subject heading |
| | |
| Property / Subject heading: Q43200 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / FRBR entity class |
| | |
| Property / FRBR entity class: WEMI Manifestation / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Online information |
| | |
| Property / Online information: http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/med/index-en.htm / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Online information: http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/med/index-en.htm / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Online information: http://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/med/index-en.htm / qualifier |
| | Date of finding: 28 December 2013Timestamp | +2013-12-28T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / Dataset status |
| | |
| Property / Dataset status: PhiloBiblon record created / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Dataset status: PhiloBiblon record created / qualifier |
| | Date: 10 July 1985Timestamp | +1985-07-10T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |