(75 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
| Property / Instance of |
| | |
| Property / Instance of: Textual witness / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Work context |
| | |
| Property / Work context: Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Part of |
| | |
| Property / Part of: Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE) (Gayangos), R/12948. Madrid: Viuda de Alonso Martín, para Domingo González, 1632. Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem. / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Part of: Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE) (Gayangos), R/12948. Madrid: Viuda de Alonso Martín, para Domingo González, 1632. Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem. / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Part of: Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE) (Gayangos), R/12948. Madrid: Viuda de Alonso Martín, para Domingo González, 1632. Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem. / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Part of: Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE) (Gayangos), R/12948. Madrid: Viuda de Alonso Martín, para Domingo González, 1632. Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem. / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Part of: Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE) (Gayangos), R/12948. Madrid: Viuda de Alonso Martín, para Domingo González, 1632. Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem. / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / qualifier |
| | Incipit: {I}El Autor a vn su amigo.{/I} |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / qualifier |
| | Incipit: Argumento de toda la obra. |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Heading / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: License (permission to publish) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: License (permission to publish) / qualifier |
| | Incipit: L{SS}2{ES}Os señores del Consejo |
| Property / Segmentation: License (permission to publish) / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: License (permission to publish) / qualifier |
| | Excipit: ante Martin | de Segura Escriuano de Camara |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Price set (for the publication of a book) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Price set (for the publication of a book) / qualifier |
| | Incipit: L{SS}2{ES}Os señores del Consejo |
| Property / Segmentation: Price set (for the publication of a book) / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Price set (for the publication of a book) / qualifier |
| | Excipit: En Ma-|drid a 10.de Nouiẽbre de 1631. |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Authentication (of a document) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Authentication (of a document) / qualifier |
| | Incipit: E{SS}S{ES}te libro intitulado.{I}Tragico-|media de Calisto,y Melibea{/I} | està bien , y fielmente impresso | con su original.Madrid y Nouiẽ-|bre 7 de 631. | {I}El Lic. Murcia | de Llana{/I}. |
| Property / Segmentation: Authentication (of a document) / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Introductory letter / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Introductory letter / qualifier |
| | Incipit: S{SS}4{ES}Velen los que de sus tie-|rras |
| Property / Segmentation: Introductory letter / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Introductory letter / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Introductory letter / qualifier |
| | Excipit: don-|de die : Hermanos | mios , &c. |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
| | Incipit: El Autor escusando su obra. |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Rubric / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Acrostic / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Acrostic / qualifier |
| | Incipit: Escuda el silẽcio y suele encubrir |
| Property / Segmentation: Acrostic / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Acrostic / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Acrostic / qualifier |
| | Excipit: No os lãce Cupido sus tiros dora|dos. |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Proem / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Proem / qualifier |
| | Incipit: T{SS}5{ES}ODAS las cosas ser | criadas |
| Property / Segmentation: Proem / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Proem / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Proem / qualifier |
| | Excipit: nueuos | detractores a la nueua | edicion. |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Argument / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Argument / qualifier |
| | Incipit: C{SS}4{ES}Alisto fue de noble lina|ge |
| Property / Segmentation: Argument / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Argument / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Argument / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Dramatis personae / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Dramatis personae / qualifier |
| | Incipit: Calisto. Melibea. Sempronio. Ce|lestina. Elicia. Crito. Parmeno. |
| Property / Segmentation: Dramatis personae / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Main text / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Main text / qualifier |
| | Incipit: E{SS}5{ES}N esto veo Melibea |
| Property / Segmentation: Main text / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Main text / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Main text / qualifier |
| | Excipit: In | hac lacrymarum | valle. |
| Property / Segmentation |
| | |
| Property / Segmentation: Colophon / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Segmentation: Colophon / qualifier |
| | Incipit: EN MADRID, | Por la viuda de Alon-|so Martin, Año | 1631. |
| Property / Segmentation: Colophon / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Penney (1954), The Book Called Celestina in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Penney (1954), The Book Called Celestina in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Penney (1954), The Book Called Celestina in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Penney (1954), The Book Called Celestina in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Faulhaber (2017), Inspección personal / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Faulhaber (2017), Inspección personal / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / FRBR entity class |
| | |
| Property / FRBR entity class: WEMI Manifestation / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Dataset status |
| | |
| Property / Dataset status: PhiloBiblon record created / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Dataset status: PhiloBiblon record created / qualifier |
| | Date: 18 January 2014Timestamp | +2014-01-18T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |