(30 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown) |
| Property / * Creator |
| | Anónimo |
| Property / * Creator: Anónimo / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / * Creator: Anónimo / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Title |
| | Papel llamado El Prouincial hecho en tiempo de el Rei don Enrrique 4{SS}o{ES} de Castilla. | A una Gran S{SS}a{ES} y otras m{SS}s{ES} veces Grande q̃ pidio este Comento |
| Property / Title: Papel llamado El Prouincial hecho en tiempo de el Rei don Enrrique 4{SS}o{ES} de Castilla. | A una Gran S{SS}a{ES} y otras m{SS}s{ES} veces Grande q̃ pidio este Comento / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / * Published in |
| | Madrid: BNE MSS/2341 (MN3) |
| Property / * Published in: Madrid: BNE MSS/2341 (MN3) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Physical description [literal] |
| | 1r-3r |
| Property / Physical description [literal]: 1r-3r / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Physical description [literal]: 1r-3r / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Note |
| | 1650 ca. - 1700 ca. |
| Property / Note: 1650 ca. - 1700 ca. / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Present holding |
| | |
| Property / Present holding: Madrid: Nacional (BNE) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Present holding: Madrid: Nacional (BNE) / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2008-), Biblioteca Digital Hispánica / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2008-), Biblioteca Digital Hispánica / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2008-), Biblioteca Digital Hispánica / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Dutton (1982), Catálogo/índice de la poesía cancioneril del siglo XV / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Secondary literature: Dutton (1982), Catálogo/índice de la poesía cancioneril del siglo XV / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Dutton (1982), Catálogo/índice de la poesía cancioneril del siglo XV / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Dutton (1982), Catálogo/índice de la poesía cancioneril del siglo XV / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Secondary literature: Dutton (1982), Catálogo/índice de la poesía cancioneril del siglo XV / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Online information |
| | |
| Property / Online information: http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?pid=d-3392252 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Online information: http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?pid=d-3392252 / qualifier |
| | |
| Property / Online information: http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?pid=d-3392252 / qualifier |
| | Date of finding: 15 December 2017Timestamp | +2017-12-15T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |
| Property / Dataset status |
| | |
| Property / Dataset status: PhiloBiblon record created / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / Dataset status: PhiloBiblon record created / qualifier |
| | Date: 19 January 2013Timestamp | +2013-01-19T00:00:00Z |
Timezone | +00:00 |
Calendar | Gregorian |
Precision | 1 day |
Before | 0 |
After | 0 |