MS: Madrid: Nacional (BNE) (Burriel), MSS/8549. Tomás de Lira Alamán, 1454-05-10. Quintus Curtius Rufus, Historia de Alejandro Magno (tr. Desconocido), traducido 1438-04-21 a quo - 1466-06-29 ad quem. (Q38239): Difference between revisions

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(‎Added qualifier: Note (P73): A roja de 5 ll. con rasgueo azul y salidas al margen, #quickstatements; batch #69 by User:Jason Hatfield)
(‎Added qualifier: Number (P90): 6426, #quickstatements; batch #69 by User:Jason Hatfield)
(93 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Property / Visual work component: initial / qualifier
Property / Visual work component: initial / qualifier
Source [literal]: Faulhaber
Property / Physical description [literal]
Property / Physical description [literal]: 367 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Physical description [literal]: 367 / qualifier
Property / Physical description [literal]: 367 / qualifier
Source [literal]: {I}IGM{/I}
Property / Segmentation
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / rank
Normal rank
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Height (measure of vertical distance) / human height: 290 mm (millimeter)
Amount290 mm (millimeter)
Unitmm (millimeter)
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Width: 205 mm (millimeter)
Amount205 mm (millimeter)
Unitmm (millimeter)
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Property / Segmentation
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / rank
Normal rank
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Height (measure of vertical distance) / human height: 310 mm (millimeter)
Amount310 mm (millimeter)
Unitmm (millimeter)
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Width: 210 mm (millimeter)
Amount210 mm (millimeter)
Unitmm (millimeter)
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Property / Visual work component
Property / Visual work component: initial / rank
Normal rank
Property / Visual work component: initial / qualifier
Note: E roja sencilla de 7 ll.
Property / Visual work component: initial / qualifier
Page(s): 353r
Property / Visual work component: initial / qualifier
Source [literal]: Faulhaber
Property / Visual work component
Property / Visual work component: initials / rank
Normal rank
Property / Visual work component: initials / qualifier
Note: rojas sencillas de 3 ll.
Property / Visual work component: initials / qualifier
Source [literal]: {I}IGM{/I} / Faulhaber
Property / Visual work component
Property / Visual work component: headings / rank
Normal rank
Property / Visual work component: headings / qualifier
Note: en rojo; faltan a partir del f. 17r salvo las rúbr. y encabezamientos al comienzo de cada libro
Property / Visual work component: headings / qualifier
Source [literal]: {I}IGM{/I}
Property / Visual work component
Property / Visual work component: rubrics / rank
Normal rank
Property / Visual work component: rubrics / qualifier
Note: en rojo
Property / Visual work component: rubrics / qualifier
Source [literal]: Faulhaber
Property / Visual work component
Property / Visual work component: pilcrows / rank
Normal rank
Property / Visual work component: pilcrows / qualifier
Note: en rojo
Property / Visual work component: pilcrows / qualifier
Source [literal]: Faulhaber
Property / Physical feature
Property / Physical feature: Catchwords / rank
Normal rank
Property / Physical feature: Catchwords / qualifier
Note: horizontales centrados
Property / Physical feature: Catchwords / qualifier
Source [literal]: Faulhaber {I}passim{/I}
Property / Physical feature
Property / Physical feature: Signature form / rank
Normal rank
Property / Physical feature: Signature form / qualifier
Note: de bifolio en nn. romanos (en negro) y letras “a” y “b” (en rojo) (v.g. j b ij b iij b iiij b v b vj b) en el marg. inf. der. (muchas guillotinadas)
Property / Physical feature: Signature form / qualifier
Page(s): 27-29, 36-38
Property / Physical feature
Property / Physical feature: Signature form / rank
Normal rank
Property / Physical feature: Signature form / qualifier
Note: de bifolio en nn. romanos (en negro) (v.g. j ij iij iiij v vj) en el marg. inf. der. (muchas guillotinadas)
Property / Physical feature
Property / Physical feature: Justification / rank
Normal rank
Property / Physical feature: Justification / qualifier
Note: 2 rayas verticales (a veces 3, para las iniciales) y 2 horizontales extendiéndose en los márgenes
Property / Physical feature
Property / Physical feature: Ruling / rank
Normal rank
Property / Physical feature: Ruling / qualifier
Note: punt de plomo
Property / Physical feature
Property / Physical feature: First line written / rank
Normal rank
Property / Physical feature: First line written / qualifier
Note: encima del pautado
Property / Provenance
Property / Provenance: Q23555 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Provenance: Q23555 / qualifier
End date: 19 June 1762Gregorian
Precision1 day
Property / Provenance: Q23555 / qualifier
Property / Provenance: Q23555 / qualifier
Source [literal]: Gómez Moreno
Property / Provenance
Property / Provenance: Q27534 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Provenance: Q27534 / qualifier
Source [literal]: BNE Inv. topográfico provisional
Property / Provenance
Property / Provenance: Madrid: Biblioteca Real Pública / rank
Normal rank
Property / Provenance: Madrid: Biblioteca Real Pública / qualifier
Source [literal]: BNE Inv. topográfico provisional
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Grespi (2004), Traducciones castellanas de obras latinas e italianas (Contenidas en manuscritos del siglo XV en las bibliotecas de Madrid y El Escorial) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Grespi (2004), Traducciones castellanas de obras latinas e italianas (Contenidas en manuscritos del siglo XV en las bibliotecas de Madrid y El Escorial) / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Grespi (2004), Traducciones castellanas de obras latinas e italianas (Contenidas en manuscritos del siglo XV en las bibliotecas de Madrid y El Escorial) / qualifier
Page(s): 112-13
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2000-), Catálogo Bibliográfico BNE [OPAC] / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2000-), Catálogo Bibliográfico BNE [OPAC] / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2000-), Catálogo Bibliográfico BNE [OPAC] / qualifier
Number: MSS/8549
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2008-), Biblioteca Digital Hispánica / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2008-), Biblioteca Digital Hispánica / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2008-), Biblioteca Digital Hispánica / qualifier
Number: MSS/8549
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Faulhaber (2016), Inspección personal / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Faulhaber (2016), Inspección personal / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / qualifier
Volume: XIII
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / qualifier
Number: 8549
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Gómez Moreno (1986), Inspección personal / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Gómez Moreno (1986), Inspección personal / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Weiss (1984), Inspección personal / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Weiss (1984), Inspección personal / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Beardsley, Jr. (1970), Hispano-Classical Translations Printed Between 1483 and 1699 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Beardsley, Jr. (1970), Hispano-Classical Translations Printed Between 1483 and 1699 / qualifier
Page(s): 3, 26
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 / qualifier
Page(s): 426
Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 / qualifier
Number: 6426
Property / Subject heading
Property / Subject heading: Q43197 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Subject heading
Property / Subject heading: Q43199 / rank
Normal rank
Property / FRBR entity class
Property / FRBR entity class: WEMI Manifestation / rank
Normal rank
Property / FRBR entity class
Property / FRBR entity class: Individual copy of a publication (WEMI Item) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Online information
Property / Online information:^2F8549/0/X1001193041?user_id=WEBSERVER / rank
Normal rank
Property / Online information:^2F8549/0/X1001193041?user_id=WEBSERVER / qualifier
Property / Online information:^2F8549/0/X1001193041?user_id=WEBSERVER / qualifier
Date of finding: 24 August 2020
Precision1 day
Property / Online information
Property / Online information: / rank
Normal rank
Property / Online information: / qualifier
Literal statement: Bibl. Digital Hispánica
Property / Online information: / qualifier
Date of finding: 21 June 2016
Precision1 day
Property / Online information
Property / Online information: / rank
Normal rank
Property / Online information: / qualifier
Literal statement: BNE {I}IGM{/I}
Property / Online information: / qualifier
Date of finding: 21 June 2016
Precision1 day
Property / Dataset status
Property / Dataset status: PhiloBiblon record created / rank
Normal rank
Property / Dataset status: PhiloBiblon record created / qualifier
Date: 10 July 1985
Precision1 day
Property / Old inventory position
Property / Old inventory position: 8549 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Old inventory position
Property / Old inventory position: X-154 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 05:27, 29 September 2024

No description defined
Language Label Description Also known as
MS: Madrid: Nacional (BNE) (Burriel), MSS/8549. Tomás de Lira Alamán, 1454-05-10. Quintus Curtius Rufus, Historia de Alejandro Magno (tr. Desconocido), traducido 1438-04-21 a quo - 1466-06-29 ad quem.
No description defined


    BETA manid 1559
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    HISTORI[A] | DE | Alexandr[o] | Magno | PoR | Quinto Curcio | En Romance
    0 references
    Gómez Moreno
    0 references
    perg., cortes jaspeados de rojo
    0 references
    En blanco los ff. 352v, 357v
    BNE Cat.
    0 references
    [1: h. de respeto] + [2: hh. impresas del {I}Sermón quinto{/I} del padre Luis de Oliva] + 1-367 + [2: guardas] + [1: h. de respeto] [fol. mod. a lápiz]
    Gómez Moreno / Faulhaber
    0 references
    0 references
    1{SS}12 -h.1{ES} 2{SS}12{ES} 3 = a{SS}12{ES} 4 = b{SS}12{ES} 5-30{SS}12{ES} 31{SS}¿12 -h.12?{ES}
    0 references
    200 mm (millimeter)
    Gómez Moreno
    0 references
    205 mm (millimeter)
    0 references
    210 mm (millimeter)
    BNE Cat.
    0 references
    25v, 31r, 366r
    0 references
    0 references
    A roja de 5 ll. con rasgueo azul y salidas al margen
    0 references
    E roja sencilla de 7 ll.
    0 references
    rojas sencillas de 3 ll.
    {I}IGM{/I} / Faulhaber
    0 references
    en rojo; faltan a partir del f. 17r salvo las rúbr. y encabezamientos al comienzo de cada libro
    0 references
    en rojo
    0 references
    en rojo
    0 references
    horizontales centrados
    Faulhaber {I}passim{/I}
    0 references
    de bifolio en nn. romanos (en negro) y letras “a” y “b” (en rojo) (v.g. j b ij b iij b iiij b v b vj b) en el marg. inf. der. (muchas guillotinadas)
    27-29, 36-38
    0 references
    de bifolio en nn. romanos (en negro) (v.g. j ij iij iiij v vj) en el marg. inf. der. (muchas guillotinadas)
    0 references
    2 rayas verticales (a veces 3, para las iniciales) y 2 horizontales extendiéndose en los márgenes
    0 references
    punt de plomo
    0 references
    encima del pautado
    0 references
    19 June 1762Gregorian
    Gómez Moreno
    0 references
    BNE Inv. topográfico provisional
    0 references
    BNE Inv. topográfico provisional
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references