MS: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), MSS/10136. Escritorio de los {I}Morales de Job{/I}?, 1450 ca. Beda, Prólogo de los Morales de san Gregorio (tr. Pedro López de Ayala, canciller mayor de Castilla y León, Corona de…). (Q38579): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed [es] label: MS: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), MSS/10136. Escritorio de los {I}Morales de Job{/I}?, 1450 ca. Beda, Prólogo de los Morales de san Gregorio (tr. Pedro López de Ayala, canciller mayor de Castilla y León, Corona de…)., #quickstatements; batch #70 by User:Jason Hatfield)
(127 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
label / enlabel / en
MS: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), MSS/10136. Escritorio de los {I}Morales de Job{/I}?, 1450 ca. Beda, Prólogo de los Morales de san Gregorio (tr. Pedro López de Ayala, canciller mayor de Castilla y León, Corona de…).
Property / Instance of
Property / Instance of: Manuscript / rank
Normal rank
Property / Type of event
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / rank
Normal rank
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Source [literal]: Avenoza 2015
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Begin date: 1450
Precision1 year
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Property / Type of event
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / rank
Normal rank
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Begin date: 1401
Precision1 year
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
End date: 1450
Precision1 year
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Property / Type of event
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / rank
Normal rank
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Begin date: 1401
Precision1 year
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
End date: 1500
Precision1 year
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Property / Type of event
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / rank
Normal rank
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Begin date: 1391
Precision1 year
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
End date: 1410
Precision1 year
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Property / Type of event: Manuscript / qualifier
Property / Present holding
Property / Present holding: Madrid: Nacional (BNE) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Present holding: Madrid: Nacional (BNE) / qualifier
Source [literal]: {I}IGM{/I}
Property / Inventory position
Property / Inventory position: MSS/10136 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Writing surface
Property / Writing surface: Parchment / rank
Normal rank
Property / Writing surface: Parchment / qualifier
Source [literal]: {I}IGM{/I}
Property / Format
Property / Format: Large folio / rank
Normal rank
Property / Format: Large folio / qualifier
Property / * Binding
estilo mudéjar sobre tabla. Piel de becerro marrón gofrada
Property / * Binding: estilo mudéjar sobre tabla. Piel de becerro marrón gofrada / rank
Normal rank
Property / * Binding: estilo mudéjar sobre tabla. Piel de becerro marrón gofrada / qualifier
Property / Condition (bibliographical)
muy deteriorado a partir del f. 30. Retirado de consulta por deterioro
Property / Condition (bibliographical): muy deteriorado a partir del f. 30. Retirado de consulta por deterioro / rank
Normal rank
Property / Condition (bibliographical): muy deteriorado a partir del f. 30. Retirado de consulta por deterioro / qualifier
Source [literal]: Orduna 2002 / BNE Cat.
Property / Physical description [literal]
Property / Physical description [literal]: 273 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Physical description [literal]: 273 / qualifier
Property / Physical description [literal]: 273 / qualifier
Source [literal]: {I}IGM{/I}
Property / Physical description [literal]
Property / Physical description [literal]: 272 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Physical description [literal]: 272 / qualifier
Property / Physical description [literal]: 272 / qualifier
Source [literal]: Orduna 2002
Property / Collation
Property / Collation: quiniones / rank
Normal rank
Property / Collation: quiniones / qualifier
Source [literal]: Avenoza 2015
Property / Segmentation
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / rank
Normal rank
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Height (measure of vertical distance) / human height: 430 mm (millimeter)
Amount430 mm (millimeter)
Unitmm (millimeter)
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Width: 290 mm (millimeter)
Amount290 mm (millimeter)
Unitmm (millimeter)
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Source [literal]: Orduna 2002
Property / Segmentation
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / rank
Normal rank
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Height (measure of vertical distance) / human height: 760 mm (millimeter)
Amount760 mm (millimeter)
Unitmm (millimeter)
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Width: 520 mm (millimeter)
Amount520 mm (millimeter)
Unitmm (millimeter)
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Source [literal]: {I}IGM{/I} [?]
Property / Segmentation
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / rank
Normal rank
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Height (measure of vertical distance) / human height: 400 mm (millimeter)
Amount400 mm (millimeter)
Unitmm (millimeter)
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Width: 290 mm (millimeter)
Amount290 mm (millimeter)
Unitmm (millimeter)
Property / Segmentation: Leaf / qualifier
Source [literal]: Simón Díaz
Property / Page layout
Property / Page layout: Columns / rank
Normal rank
Property / Page layout: Columns / qualifier
Note: 2
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Source [literal]: {I}IGM{/I}
Property / Page layout
Property / Page layout: Lines / rank
Normal rank
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Note: 49
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Source [literal]: {I}IGM{/I}
Property / Script style
Property / Script style: Gothic / rank
Normal rank
Property / Script style: Gothic / qualifier
Source [literal]: Orduna 2002
Property / Script style
Property / Script style: Gothic / rank
Normal rank
Property / Script style: Gothic / qualifier
Note: fracta de módulo mayor
Property / Script style: Gothic / qualifier
Source [literal]: estilo m<br />dejar sobre tabla. Piel de becerro marrón gofrada
Property / Visual work component
Property / Visual work component: initials / rank
Normal rank
Property / Visual work component: initials / qualifier
Note: espacios en blanco
Property / Visual work component: initials / qualifier
Source [literal]: {I}IGM{/I}
Property / Visual work component
Property / Visual work component: rubrics / rank
Normal rank
Property / Visual work component: rubrics / qualifier
Note: en rojo y azul
Property / Visual work component: rubrics / qualifier
Source [literal]: {I}IGM{/I}
Property / Physical feature
Property / Physical feature: Catchwords / rank
Normal rank
Property / Physical feature: Catchwords / qualifier
Note: horizontales centrados enmarcados en rojo
Property / Physical feature: Catchwords / qualifier
Source [literal]: Avenoza 2015
Property / Physical feature
Property / Physical feature: Signature form / rank
Normal rank
Property / Physical feature: Signature form / qualifier
Note: no se ven
Property / Physical feature: Signature form / qualifier
Source [literal]: Avenoza 2015
Property / Physical feature
Property / Physical feature: Justification / rank
Normal rank
Property / Physical feature: Justification / qualifier
Note: tipo Derolez 43
Property / Physical feature: Justification / qualifier
Source [literal]: Avenoza 2015
Property / Provenance
Property / Provenance: Q23576 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Provenance: Q23576 / qualifier
Source [literal]: {I}IGM{/I}
Property / Related object
Property / Related object: MS: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), MSS/10137. Escritorio de los {I}Morales de Job{/I}?, 1450 ca. Gregorius I, papa, Morales (tr. Pedro López de Ayala, canciller mayor de Castilla y León, Corona de), traducido 1399 a quo - 1407 ad quem. / rank
Normal rank
Property / Related object: MS: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), MSS/10137. Escritorio de los {I}Morales de Job{/I}?, 1450 ca. Gregorius I, papa, Morales (tr. Pedro López de Ayala, canciller mayor de Castilla y León, Corona de), traducido 1399 a quo - 1407 ad quem. / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Avenoza (2015), “Traducir y copiar la materia de Job en el siglo XV”, Estudios de literatura medieval en la Península Ibérica / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Avenoza (2015), “Traducir y copiar la materia de Job en el siglo XV”, Estudios de literatura medieval en la Península Ibérica / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Avenoza (2015), “Traducir y copiar la materia de Job en el siglo XV”, Estudios de literatura medieval en la Península Ibérica / qualifier
Page(s): 270, 275
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Orduna (2002), “Pero López de Ayala”, Diccionario filológico de literatura medieval española. Textos y documentos / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Orduna (2002), “Pero López de Ayala”, Diccionario filológico de literatura medieval española. Textos y documentos / qualifier
Page(s): 906-907
Property / Secondary literature: Orduna (2002), “Pero López de Ayala”, Diccionario filológico de literatura medieval española. Textos y documentos / qualifier
Number: 120.9
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Rocamora (1882), Catálogo abreviado de los manuscritos de la Biblioteca del Excmo. Señor duque de Osuna é Infantado / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Rocamora (1882), Catálogo abreviado de los manuscritos de la Biblioteca del Excmo. Señor duque de Osuna é Infantado / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Rocamora (1882), Catálogo abreviado de los manuscritos de la Biblioteca del Excmo. Señor duque de Osuna é Infantado / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Rocamora (1882), Catálogo abreviado de los manuscritos de la Biblioteca del Excmo. Señor duque de Osuna é Infantado / qualifier
Number: 123
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Q14976 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Q14976 / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Q14976 / qualifier
Page(s): 191-92
Property / Secondary literature: Q14976 / qualifier
Number: XXXII-B
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / qualifier
Volume: XIV
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / qualifier
Page(s): 367-68
Property / Secondary literature: Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) / qualifier
Number: 10136
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1963), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.1 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1963), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.1 / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1963), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.1 / qualifier
Page(s): 208
Property / Secondary literature: Simón Díaz (1963), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.1 / qualifier
Number: 1930
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Branciforti (1962), Regesto delle opere di Pero López de Ayala / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Branciforti (1962), Regesto delle opere di Pero López de Ayala / qualifier
Page(s): 307
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Serrano (1911), “Traducciones castellanas de los Morales de San Gregorio”, Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Alvar et al. (2002), Diccionario filológico de literatura medieval española. Textos y transmisión / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Alvar et al. (2002), Diccionario filológico de literatura medieval española. Textos y transmisión / qualifier
Page(s): 906-907
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Grespi (2004), Traducciones castellanas de obras latinas e italianas (Contenidas en manuscritos del siglo XV en las bibliotecas de Madrid y El Escorial) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Grespi (2004), Traducciones castellanas de obras latinas e italianas (Contenidas en manuscritos del siglo XV en las bibliotecas de Madrid y El Escorial) / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Grespi (2004), Traducciones castellanas de obras latinas e italianas (Contenidas en manuscritos del siglo XV en las bibliotecas de Madrid y El Escorial) / qualifier
Page(s): 125
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Madrid. Biblioteca Nacional. (1958), Exposición de la biblioteca de los Mendoza del Infantado en el siglo XV: con motivo de la celebración del V Centenario de la muerte de don Íñigo López de Mendoza, Marqués de Santilla / rank
Normal rank
Property / Secondary literature: Madrid. Biblioteca Nacional. (1958), Exposición de la biblioteca de los Mendoza del Infantado en el siglo XV: con motivo de la celebración del V Centenario de la muerte de don Íñigo López de Mendoza, Marqués de Santilla / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Madrid. Biblioteca Nacional. (1958), Exposición de la biblioteca de los Mendoza del Infantado en el siglo XV: con motivo de la celebración del V Centenario de la muerte de don Íñigo López de Mendoza, Marqués de Santilla / qualifier
Property / Secondary literature: Madrid. Biblioteca Nacional. (1958), Exposición de la biblioteca de los Mendoza del Infantado en el siglo XV: con motivo de la celebración del V Centenario de la muerte de don Íñigo López de Mendoza, Marqués de Santilla / qualifier
Number: 78
Property / Secondary literature
Property / Secondary literature: Avenoza (2013-08-16), Carta (correo electrónico) / rank
Normal rank
Property / FRBR entity class
Property / FRBR entity class: WEMI Manifestation / rank
Normal rank
Property / FRBR entity class
Property / FRBR entity class: Individual copy of a publication (WEMI Item) / rank
Normal rank
Property / Dataset status
Property / Dataset status: PhiloBiblon record created / rank
Normal rank
Property / Dataset status: PhiloBiblon record created / qualifier
Date: 10 July 1985
Precision1 day
Property / Old inventory position
Property / Old inventory position: 10136 / rank
Normal rank
Property / Old inventory position
Property / Old inventory position: Kk-24 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 18:46, 29 September 2024

No description defined
Language Label Description Also known as
MS: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), MSS/10136. Escritorio de los {I}Morales de Job{/I}?, 1450 ca. Beda, Prólogo de los Morales de san Gregorio (tr. Pedro López de Ayala, canciller mayor de Castilla y León, Corona de…).
No description defined


    BETA manid 1906
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    estilo mudéjar sobre tabla. Piel de becerro marrón gofrada
    BNE Cat.
    0 references
    muy deteriorado a partir del f. 30. Retirado de consulta por deterioro
    Orduna 2002 / BNE Cat.
    0 references
    Avenoza 2015
    0 references
    290 mm (millimeter)
    Orduna 2002
    0 references
    520 mm (millimeter)
    {I}IGM{/I} [?]
    0 references
    290 mm (millimeter)
    Simón Díaz
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    Orduna 2002
    0 references
    fracta de módulo mayor
    estilo m<br />dejar sobre tabla. Piel de becerro marrón gofrada
    0 references
    espacios en blanco
    0 references
    en rojo y azul
    0 references
    horizontales centrados enmarcados en rojo
    Avenoza 2015
    0 references
    no se ven
    Avenoza 2015
    0 references
    tipo Derolez 43
    Avenoza 2015
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references