Item talk:Q30482

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Princeton Cat.:
Colophon of t. 2 reads Hoc … compendiu[m] … impressit apud Hispalim P. de Colonia … cum suis sociis … 1490. cf. Haebler.
Errors in numbering of leaves of v. 1: 132, 177, 210, 270, 298, 312 printed cxxxj, clxxvj, ccxv, cclxix, cclxxxxix, ccxiij.
For a description of this work see Haebler no. 510. This ed. differs from that described by Haebler in having no t.-p. and in having on verso of fol. i a 'Prologo' in Spanish and Latin, instead of an 'Argumentum' in Latin and Spanish.
ExI copy has inserted at end a leaf from an unidentified early-printed Spanish-Latin dictionary.
Binding note: ExI copy in later red goatskin, gilt.
Provenance: ExI copy has book stamp of the Bibliotheca Heberiana (Richard Heber) and the bookplate of A. Trendelenburg.”

Parcialmente digitalizado: encuad., primero y último fol., indicaciones de antiguos dueños