Item talk:Q40733
Norton: “…the contract for the printing of this work [was] signed on 22 Dec. 1509. Lorenço Ganot, Cristoforo Cosma and Ferrando del Castillo agreed to print a thousand copies in which they were to participate as folows. Cristoforo was to do the printing at the rate of a half castellana for the ream of twenty manos, the paper being supplied by Ganot; for his third share in the edition Cristoforo was to pay Ganot at the rate of six libras the box in three instalments. He bound himself not to print more than the thousand copies before these were all sold. Fernando del Castillo, in return for his compilaton of the text and for press correction, was to receive a quarter share without payment, and a quarter of the profits on the remainder of the edition, the whole of which was to be sold through Ganot. Ganot, usually Ganoto, was a merchant from Savona. He paid Cofman an instalment of seven Valenica pounds for the printing on 17 Oct. 1512”
Castillo fue el compilador y corrector de imprenta. Tirada de 1000 ejemplares; pagada la impresión a media castellana la resma de 20 manos (Norton)
Faulhaber: Para imágenes digitales de las encuadernaciones de D. Pedro de Aragón, véase Lázaro Galdiano 2009:27-29
Ex-libris ms. en letra humanística cursiva f. ccxxxiiij v: “fue comprado este cantionero general a tantos. | del mes de septiembre [?] 1559 [?] ẽ la plaça del olmo por pretio | de siete reales De vn librero flamenco. | xp̃oual fdz [?] de Herrera.”
La palabra después de “xp̃oual” parece componers de “‘fd” con un trazo que parece como una “z” descendiendo debajo de la “d”.
Debajo, de la misma tinta, un dibujo de un hombre que lleva una espada en la mano izquierda