Item talk:Q42306
Martín Abad 2001: Bosch “copia la noticia previa de Norton con alguns imprecisiones.”
Ofrecido por Quaritch 1895 en £ 25.
Descr. de Quaritch 1895:
320 CELESTINA. Title: TRAGICOMEDIA DE CALISTO Y MELIBEA nueuamẽte reuista y emendada . . . Ioannes Ioffredvs. Folio 70 obverse: Penados amantes . . . El carro phebeo despues de auer dado | mill ⁊ quinientas bueltas en rueda | . . . fue en Salamanca. impreso acabado . . . Tragicomedia de calisto ⁊ Melibea. Agora nueuamente reuista ⁊ corrediga (sic) con los argumentos . . . acabasse con diligencia studio impressa enla insigne ciudad de Valencia por Juan joffre a XXVII. de Março de M.D. y XVIII. años.
Small 4to. gothic letter, 22 woodcuts ; fine copy in the original Valencian calf binding, blind-tooled, with an inscription in gold on the lower cover “Tragicomeia [!]. de . Calisto’’ Valencia, 1518
This edition (although it corresponds in all but one respect with the early ones which followed the Seville book of 1502) is valuable as reprinting and giving proof of the former existence of the lost Salamanca edition of 1500; thus showing that the Iatter contained the whole twenty-one acts, and was the first publication of Rojas’s complete text. The particular referred to in the parenthesis in which it differs from the rest, is the circumstance that the verses of Alonso de Proaza are inseven stanzas, there being a sixth beginning “Penados amantes’’ between the regular fifth and the ordinary sixth (El carro phebeo).